نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام ، فهما طلبنا العزة بغيره ، أذلنا الله

We are the people whom Allah honoured through Islam, so whenever we seek honour other than it, Allah will disgrace us.

The blog is under slow transition to http://specifichumidity.wordpress.com

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Fuh, best gile

Baca ni:

Dan ini:

Bila imegresen banyak kes:

1) Bos kena tukar
2) Yang buat salah kena ISA

Sebab apa? Sebab nanti bila orang tanya bos baru, bos baru jawab "saya tak tau, itu KP lama". Nak tanya pesalah, tak boleh, sebab dia dah dilarikan masuk ISA.

Sebab apa ISA? Sebab kalau dakwa dalam mahkamah, nanti terbuka lah pekung, silap2, jerung2 pun nanti kena cekup. Nak jaga rahsia, ISA-kan saja ikan2 bilis ni.

Monday, September 27, 2010

New House

Yesterday, a bunch of ex-hizbi Cdf came over to our place for a short ziarah hari raya, and some short usrah.

Well, there are many things I'd like to write about my new house, but life has been rather busy.

Car accident, spending late nights and wee hours at balai polis seremban & kajang are just part of it.

Will write in greater details later.


Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Raya Post

Wow, so fast, now it is the end of ramadhan already.

Today is the moonsighting day for Malaysians in general. So, let's do this everyone.

I have moved to a different house. Alhamdulillah.

Muhammad AlFatih now can roll and start creeping. His voice has become very loud. When he laughs or cries at the top of his voice, sometimes it could be quite deafening. Next on the agenda: Hantar pi training bola dengan Unclu Huhu.

Today, we will be driving back to Johor Bahru. All throughout ramadhan, I have not been back yet. So, this will be the first time iftar in JB this year.

What else? Will be back to work on the 15th due to some work commitment. Adoi.

I still have not handed over the house in PD to the owner. So, anyone wants holiday in PD, there is accommodation. But have to bring your own bed.

OK, Salam Eidulfitr, and take care...


Two Christians were lost in the Sahara desert .

One is called George one is called Micheal .
They were dying of hunger and thirst when they suddenly came upon an
oasis , with what looked like an emirat of a mosque in the middle .

Micheal said to George : "Look let's pretend we are Muslim, otherwise
these Arabs are going to kill us . I am going to call my self

George refused to change his name , he said :" My name is George , and
I will not pretend to be other than but what I am . ...George ."

The Immam of the mosque received both well and asked about their names .
Micheal said : "My name is Mohammed ."
George said : My name is George. "

The Immam turned to the helpers of the mosque and said :
" Please bring some food and water for George only ."

Then he turned to the other and said :
" Well Mohammed I hope you are aware
that we are still in the holy month of Ramadhan ."

Monday, August 02, 2010

Last week

Whole of last week, my wife and my son spent their time at Kampung Melayu Kangkar Pulai. My sister went to this course in Singapore, and my wife had to take care of her son.

Now my son has a brother. A brother in radha'ah.

Anyway, after almost one week, I was surprised to see him being able to mimic other's face. Hehe. The child will just immitate our expression.

I guess, that's why children who are brought up in houses full of smiles and laugters would grow up to be a cheerful ones.

This morning, I went to DOSH's office to pick up my Steam Engineer Cert. Alhamdulillah.

Next aim: Steam Engineer Grade I.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Maryam's friend's wedding


Today, I went to this wedding of a friend of Maryam's.

On the invitation card, it only mentioned that the groom is a son of Tan Sri Musa.

Someone called Maryam yesterday, asking, which Tan Sri Musa. Mohamed? Hassan? Hitam?

Oh, apparently, it was the IGP's son's wedding.


Thursday, July 08, 2010

Eh, Ustaz Fathul Baru pun ahli bidaah juga


Ustaz, saya nak tanya sikit. Masuk UMNO tu, selari dengan Sunnah ke? Bukankah sunnah Nabi berjuang menentang jahiliyah, bukan bersekongkol.

Oh, lepas join UMNO saja, boleh cabar mahkamah syariah. Fuh, hebat la ustaz. Ni memang dapat protection ni. Sure terlepas tak sabit. Kalau tak sabit, boleh bertanding pilihanraya akan datang.

Tak apa lah ustaz. Cuma saya nak tanya sikit. UMNO tu bukan bidaah ke? Membuat golongan mukmin berbaiah pada selain Islam (UMNO, Freemason) bukan kah haram? Membuat orang islam taat kepada selain AlQuran dan Hadis, bukankah bidaah dholalah? Aik, tapi Ustaz tak kira bidaah pula. Ustaz bersekongkol lagi. Hehe. Yang saya faham, kalau tolak alquran, sunnah, hina janggut nabi, tu bukan kira ahlul bidaah lagi, tu boleh jadi ahlul kufr dah.

Tak apa lah ustaz. Saya rasa, geng ittiba' sunnah ustaz ni, memang selective. Ni macam ikut sunnah rabi yahudi. Ambil mana yang mudah, tolak mana yang susah. Oh lupa pula, ustaz baca hadis 'permudah, jangan susah2kan' agaknya.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ulama Wahabi Masuk UMNO

Apa nak heran, ulama wahabi masuk UMNO? Tok guru depa ni, ulama wahabi kat saudi pun tak berani lawan kerajaan saudi, takkan lah anak murid dia berani berkata benar di depan pemimpin yang zalim pula.

Sedangkan, kerajaan saudi tu, buat satu kezaliman yang gila. Orang miskin, mencuri kena potong tangan. Anak-anak raja, berzina, minum arak pun tak kena apa-apa tindakan. Undang-undang syariah apa kejadah macam tu.

Tapi tok guru wahabi pun tak berani nak cakap apa. Maklumlah, makan gaji jadi imam masjid besar.

Takkanlah anak murid nak lebih dari guru pula.

Guru kencing berdiri, murid kencing berlari.

Apa nak heran..